Thursday, May 27, 2010

Russianbare Last Free Pic

Friday, May 28 Thursday, May 27 Wednesday, May 26

Visit in Stratford-Upon-Avon, for those who do not know what city we speak, this is the town of William Shakespeare. Arriving mid-morning, we took a bus (double decker) tourist to tour the city and walks. We passed the house where Shakespeare was born, before several famous theaters, the cottage of Anne Hathaway (Shakespeare's wife) and several other attractions and historic sites. Little time

general culture: Did you
where does the word salary? It is because in the past, workers were partly paid in salt, because of its high market value and it was also important in the life of every day, because it allowed to keep fish and meat in good condition longer. The etymology of the word salary comes from Latin and thus the entire history of the word.

After our bus ride, we took a lunch break in a park along the Stratford Canal (where parties are dozens of boats of all sizes in the direction of Dunkirk to rescue the English and Canadian troops during the early World War II). A local tradition is to paint his boat in a very colorful which gives a colorful landscape yard.

After this visit by boat we went to Warwick, 15 minutes from Stratford to visit Warwick Castle, which is continually refurbished to maintain his prestige. Inside, the rooms have been reconstructed according to their function. We could see the church, the dining room, the armory.

Warwick Castle

House, birthplace of William Shakespeare

Our visit to Stratford-Upon-Avon Bus


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