Monday, May 24, 2010

Helzberg Regal Artiste By Scott Kay

Ipex, Day 2: Back in
NEC, where Ipex is, we are scattered in small groups to continue our exploration of this huge show. Some of us have seen the giant Heidelberg (largest manufacturer of printing presses), Manroland, Horizon ... We also took one of the tours offered by Ipex to visit the next Pre-Releases (Basically, parts of the graphic chain unfolding before printing) and companies like Fujifilm, Canon, Kodak . After a festive break to fill our bellies, the afternoon took place the same way, in small groups of explorers, to finish with a conference Manroland on one of their latest high-speed presses which will significantly reduce production costs and environmental nuisance. The whole ending with the visit, and 3D on the big screen, in the belly of one of their presses.
After a stop at the grocery store, we filled a second barbecue, orchestrated by "Chef Robert" pork chops and potatoes with butter and baked (I hope you do salivate, because that we, yes!)

PS Mark Obelix goes well, he will get paid the coffee on his return.

Breakfast lunch on the lawn of Ipex

The gang at the presentation 3D


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