Maybe this is not the point here, but I think it is good to raise the problem of failing to solve it because it was some time ago that I wonder about the hosts files, and especially Rapidshare. Lots of links from many blogs have been deleted lately. I wanted to know more because I found no "debate" on the subject seriously - in French if possible - on the net. So back to the problem at first is what appears when attempting a download.
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:! this file has been deleted:
: Reason: THIS FILE IS Forbidden To Be Shared:
: Complaints received:
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(Sorry for drawing Approximate but Blogger is still as crappy when it comes to upload a JPG ... 10 kb!)
So it is can complain to Rapidshare. Suppose then, in this case would it be a corporation or a kind of "program" that detects certain activities and send as a form of automatic "request" to the host file that is Rapidshare? Because most real complaints emanate from the copyright holders or other production houses and in general they are intended to make contact with all logic and to FIRST directors of blogs making available copyrighted files, then the bloggers in most cases, remove themselves ties in question.
So one or more crafty - apart from copyright holders or publishers - to amuse "wear" complaint to Rapidshare? Unlikely I think (although this may be the case more often) as a waste of time and there is no interest because a blog and links can réapparaîtrent quickly. So we must find the common point to blogs that have their links removed. I think especially in Monona, and even more amazing Whoops where JC Pierric putting himself in line its own discs! ! The three had in common a clickable link directly ... But I lean towards the hypothesis as what is Rapidshare himself who must have a meter and then makes the household as he likes without having to explanations. Who among us would dare to "wear" complaint against Rapidshare? The SAR staff knows they are not philanthropists, and they "enlarge" ... 800 m2 it should not unnoticed for something that "flirting" with the issue! Their message of "complaints" is falling apart to the extent that what is proposed is not reissued or created by its own author (ex: JC Pierric). So, by deduction, if it's not a complaint or an isolated act and malicious, that remains ... Rapidshare!
Since they are not obliged to say who has complained and why, in the same way they have no justification to give to anyone! So open door to all possibilities! We should not kid ourselves, they were among the first hosts files on the web (with, the latter having mysteriously disappeared two years ago about ... And now, it's probably the first hosting of files in the world (there has seen the number of blogs and other pointing RS). And as the Law of humans often stops at the gateway to the Internet (copyright, spam, racism, pedophilia etc ....), So it may seem likely that Rapidshare delete files deliberately by its own initiative! ! Their policy of changing the expiry date of a file does, I think, confirms what I wrote previously. They have no authority to fear and therefore no accountability ... where they are "grilled" is the case with JC Pierric. That's what made me think of "involvement" from Rapidshare, are more blog has been "banned"! Why? Never an explanation has been advanced ...
If anyone can confirm or deny if anyone has another hypothesis or theory. If someone works or is employed by such host file, it does not hesitate to give us his opinion. This would be probably see a little clearer in the maze of canvas ... Hello to you?